The elected Bethlehem Municipal council held its first session, today Friday 15/04/2022, in the presence of all its members, the following ladies and gentlemen: Anton George Salman, Hanna Samir Hanania, Rami Elias Kitaneh, Maher Nicola Canawati, Rehab Issa Abu Ahor, Nader Francis Rahil, Samir Elias Abu Dayyeh, Qasem Mohamad Kanaan, Hisham Hassan Kamel, Raed Ali Salahat, George Issa Juha, Saadeh Sabri Jado, Daoud Ahmad Salahat, Sandy George Ballout, and Lucy Jeries Thalgieh, in the presence of the director general of the municipality, Mr. Anton Marcos, and with the participation of the general director of the Ministry of Local Government in the government of Bethlehem, Eng. Arwa Abu Al-Haijaa, and the director general of the of the Guidance and Monitoring in the Ministry of Local Government, Mr. Mohammed Hasasna.
According to the law, the session was chaired by Adv. Anton Salman, as he is the oldest member by age, where he congratulated to his colleagues for winning the elections and gaining the trust of the Bethlehem citizens. He referred to the meeting which was held yesterday, Thursday 14/04/2022 at the headquarters of the General Intelligence in Ramallah, under the instructions of His Excellency President Mahmoud Abbas and headed by His Excellency Major General Majid Faraj, Director of the General Intelligence Service, and the efforts of the leadership of the Fatah movement - Bethlehem region, and to the consensus that took place at the end of the meeting appointing Mr. Hanna Hanania as the Mayor of the Municipal Council and Mr. Nader Rahil as the Deputy Mayor of the Council for the first phase, in order to preserve the unity of Bethlehem in light of the circumstances that our people are going through.
The Municipal Council approved this consensus in its session.
Eng. Arwa Abu Al-Haijaa proceeded to congratulate the mayor and deputy mayor for this consensus, and indicated that the ministry and the municipality complete each other in their work, and expressed their wish for cooperation, and affirmed the support of the ministry’s staff for the work of the municipality and its readiness for its continuous cooperation. She also thanked the former mayor and members of the council for their efforts in serving the city of Bethlehem.
In turn, the mayor, Mr. Hanna Hanania, pointed to the importance of joint work for the sake of Bethlehem and for the sake of serving the city, and stressed the need to work in harmony with the consensus that took place, calling for the work to be done with a pure heart for the sake of Bethlehem, and further pointed out the importance of Bethlehem, which deserves to work for, develop and bring it to safety. He thanked the Ministry of Local Government and his fellow council members for placing their trust in him, while also thanking the previous mayor and council members for their efforts.
For his part, the Municipality's Director General, Mr. Anton Marcos, wished that trust and mutual respect would be the basis for dealing in the Municipal Council, and that the session would be a start to serve, develop and raise the status of the city of Bethlehem.
During the meeting, it was agreed that the handover ceremony for the tasks of the Municipal Council will be held on Thursday, 21/4/2022 at 11:00 a.m. at the Municipal Hall.